Wednesday, May 15, 2013


Some of you may know that I follow the posts from Andrew Strom. I have for quite some time. He has a spiritual sense about him that I can relate to and appreciate. He tends to stand out opposed and ridiculed by some but never at a loss for things to say about Christ. He loves David Wilkerson and the old authors of the gospel. Circuit preachers and many more who have given their lives for Christ. I consider him to be a disciple of our Lord.

So from time to time I re-post his posts here when they are especially pointed in a direction I feel the Holy Ghost is leading me to go. This one today is timely at any time but especially so today. I am hoping that others (namely you) will re-post this as well or at least make mention of it to your friend on Facebook, Twitter or Google+. It is especially dear to my heart since we do live in community and we came from the individualistic ties of the world and the church years ago.

Listen to what Andrew is saying and judge yourself to see if anything in you is touched by this. If so, take some time before God and examine those feelings to see if it is true that you are thinking or acting in an individualistic way. It may be that you don't believe you do but sometimes we become deceived into thinking that we are OK when in reality we are not. It is good to examine yourself daily and let God shine the light in those places that are not always for apparent. Kinda like ticks. But that's another story, for another time.

Here is Andrew post and my Amen.
We live in an utterly individualistic and "self"-oriented age today. I'm sure few would disagree. Every advertisement appeals to 'self' in some way. We are taught from childhood to be completely self-contained, reliant on no-one, living in our own little bubble where we decide exactly what will take place. We are often frightened to commit to any particular group or cause, any particular leadership. The modern man is an "individualist" to the core. "Don't ask me to join or commit! And don't tell me how to live my life!"
But all of this, of course, is the exact opposite of "Body". It is the exact opposite of  Community'. And thus the exact opposite of the true Church. And yet millions upon millions of Christians today (especially in the West) are just as "individualistic" as the next man. Sometimes even more so.
 As noted previously, the very first sentence used to describe the early church says: "And they continued steadfastly in the apostles' doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and in prayers." (Acts 2:42).
That is the very picture of a BODY - not a pile of "individualists". They have GIVEN themselves to a group and a cause - a group with real LEADERS who are anointed preachers from God. But it is almost anathema for a modern person to give themselves to any group in such a way. We are far too suspicious and individualistic and un-trusting to ever do such a thing. And thus the question must be asked: Is it even possible to have true "BODY" in our day? Is "CHURCH" (in the true sense) even a concept that we can understand? Or have the media and our entire culture so "individualized" us that true 'Body' is no longer possible?
You know, Christianity is not designed to be lived out by a pack of "individualists". And half-committed "building-attenders" on Sunday mornings are not it either. Christianity is designed to be lived out CORPORATELY - the "Body of Christ" - an entity that can be seen and observed by people - full of the glory of Jesus. A Body that corporately carries all the words and power and love and miracles of the King.
So how on earth can such a "gathering" take place? How can the scattered remnant of today come together to form such a Body? Well, it all starts with the anointed "word". You notice in the above verse that these people gathered around a very specific thing - "The apostles' doctrine and fellowship". It is an anointed apostolic "word" being preached that is a crucial element in all this. From such a 'word' everything else follows and comes into alignment.
But the big question is- Could today's "individualistic" types bring themselves to form a real 'Body' - even if such a word was being preached? Or is individualism so ingrained that even 'apostolic' preaching might not bring this about? These are questions that every one of us should be asking ourselves if we ever hope to be part of a true movement of God in these Last Days.
Blessing to all! - Andrew Strom ( )
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