Tuesday, December 23, 2014

The Three Rings of Love

The Three Rings of Love

My wife and I wear matching wedding rings which we had designed for us before we were married years ago. They are not as shiny and new as there were before. I actually had to have mine enlarged as my fingers got fatter. Can't imagine how I grew so much in that ring finger.

The rings are each made from a different type of gold. The two outer rings are 1/2 the size of the inner ring. Each ring holds a significance to us to remind us of who we are and what keeps us together. We wanted a memorable way of being reminded and so we put some thought into the construction of the three rings of love.

Ring # 1 is made of white gold. Ring # 3 is made of rose gold. Ring # 2 is yellow gold. Ring 1 represents the husband. Ring 3 represents the wife. Ring 2 represents our unity. Since ring 1 and 3 are half the size of ring 2, out unity is twice as big as we each are individually. We are made for each other and together we are transformed into the unity of our marriage.

There is much more to these rings and the symbolism of them separately and together.

Separately, Ring 1 represents me, the husband. The individual strength of the husband to care for his wife, lead her and love her with all he has. It is a much harder metal than the rose ring, Ring 3. Ring 3 represents my wife. Her softness and tenderness is a quality of the rose gold metal and shows her willingness to be led and shaped by her husband. Ring 2 is representative of God. He stands between us at all times. He is what brings us together as one. We must go through Him to touch the other. Ring 1 and 3 are completed by ring 2. He is the middle ground between all our doings and goings.

Without God we are not united. He himself is made of three. The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. each part of God is also represented by the Three Rings of Love. There is unity in of the three into one love for His creation.

Ultimately there is only one ring made of three parts. Just as God is made of three, we are made of three. Body, soul and spirit. We are made complete only by the life of God dwelling our spirits and making our spirits alive with His Life. Without His life there is no hope for eternal life. So our spirits must be renewed, born again.

My wife and I wear our rings differently. I wear mine with the white gold ring farthest out and she wears here with the rose gold ring farthest out. Each of us wears the representative ring of the other closest to our hearts. Where we want to be in each others life. We want to think of the other as more important than ourselves.

So as the years move on in our marriage, we have come to find new and renewed symbolism's in our three rings of love. Today we have three children together. Each is a reminder of unity in not only our marriage but in our family. Our sons are a part of us and will always be in the image of us. Just like we are the image of God. Body, soul and spirit. Father, Son, Holy Spirit. Husband, Wife and God. We are made one. The Bride and the Son become one in this marriage of love.

Now we live in a whole new way. We are united with the church. Each member is a unique individual of the whole. Many lives, bound together by God into the representation of the Bride of Christ. So we have another symbolic representation of those three rings of love. We are one with God through Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour, filled with the Life of His Spirit.

Since this is the season of love and we symbolically celebrate the birth of our Lord, Jesus Christ, it seems only fitting to look at those three rings of love in a fresh way. Look for the love of God in the eyes of those around you this year. See that God loves each and every person you know or meet.

There is a ring of love that God asks each of us to wear. We are his children and we are desired of our Father to be in fellowship with him. He desires to receive from us the relationship of trusting and grateful children. He has given His all for us. He asks us to love and obey Him. His kingdom is in us and on the earth. He reigns forever and ever. He is now our King.

Merry Christmas

Sunday, December 21, 2014

How to Donate to Your Favorite Missions or Non-Profit for FREE!

Are you the type of person who wants to support missions, your favorite non-profit or some worthy cause? Do you struggle trying to write a check or set aside funds for donating? Do you want to but just don't think about it until someone posts a message like this? Do you want to but just don't have the extra money to donate each month?

Well, all those reasons for not donating can be resolved in a couple minutes by installing GoodSearch  as your default search engine and GoodShop for your background donation interface.


Whenever you want to search a word, place, thing or anything else, GoodShop will pay a penny for every legitimate search you enter in. This penny goes towards your selected mission of cause. Every search earns a penny, every time you search for something. Think about how much that could accumulate each day, week, month and year. It's like taking a penny and dropping it in a jar every time you do a search. It just keeps adding up.

This background application is so easy to install and so easy to use. It doesn't take over your computer and it doesn't slow it down. It just sits there and becomes your default search engine for when you want to search for something. You don't have to do anything different.

So you may say. "I like Google or Bing or Ask or some other search engine." That's nice. But do they donate a penny every time you do a search to someone other than themselves? I can tell you that they do not. They don't care about your missions or worthy cause.

So, you may say, "I prefer to use Google search or Bing search cause it finds what I want." Really?! Are you that stuck on those search engines? And would you really not want to help someone else besides yourself and the big guys of the Internet search engines? GoodSearch's engine is provided by Yahoo and provides you with plenty of information  to find what you are looking for. If you can't find what you're looking for then go do the same search on Google. The half-minute you spent looking on Goodsearch earned a penny. But you will find what you are looking for most likely as quickly if not quicker than the other engines.

Not interested in giving 5 minutes of your time to load GoodSearch or search on the only search engine that donates money to your cause? Are you really that self-serving and inconsiderate of others? I don't think you are, but you might be thinking that it's more work than you want to do.

When is the last time you got online and spent 5 minutes chasing Internet rabbits and didn't get what you really wanted or wasted time browsing your Facebook dashboard looking at posts from people till you fell asleep at the keyboard? You can't spare 5 minutes to perpetually help someone without even trying? It is earning your charity or worthy cause money and all you are doing is what you normally would do.

This process is really simple. And once installed you don't have to do anything different, just type in the search word or phrase and hit enter. The results are the same. Well, not really. You are earning money on GoodSearch and not on the other search engines.


How Goodshop works

So, what do you need to do to set up the GoodSearch or GoodShop interfaces on your computer?


How do I start raising money for my nonprofit or school with Goodshop?

  • Visit goodsearch.com and Sign Up then select a cause from the hundreds of thousands of participating organizations or add a new cause by filling out the application here.
  • Register and create a user profile which will allow you to keep track of your individual amount raised.
  • Use the Goodshop tab at the top of the homepage or go to Goodshop to visit our online shopping mall and browse through thousands of partner stores, including top brands in clothing, office supplies, gifts and more.
  • Click through to the store and shop as you normally would. You pay nothing extra, but a portion of all qualifying purchases will go to your cause.
  • 100% of the donation amount displayed on merchant’s Goodshop page will go to the charity or school of your choice!


Take 5 minutes right now to go to GoodSearch and GoodShop and sign up. Pick the charity of your choice to support . (Rose Creek Village Ministries) is the one we support for missions. Especially the missions in Kenya. You can also go to the Kenyan site Stonehouse Ministries International and donate there, directly. With just a few minutes of your time you can be giving of yourself everyday, automatically, by using these interfaces. Why not start right away.

Thank you from all of my missionary friends and I for giving of yourself.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!