I have to ask the question "Where do you share the Gospel?" because it is such an obvious question, yet such an overlooked one for Christians.
John the Baptist was referred to as "one crying out in the desert". Jesus Christ walked from town to town proclaiming the good news of the Kingdom of God. He preached in the synagogues, held gatherings on hill sides, taught from a boat, went into homes, the market place, and even called forth the dead. He sent his disciples out two by two. He said the fields are white to harvest, but the harvesters are few. He told his disciples to go out and make disciples of all nations. The Apostle Paul preached in multiple cities across Asia Minor and the Mediterranean Sea area.
With such an example from the scriptures we could do much more if we put our minds to it. There are many more places to share the good news of the Kingdom of God. Men and women of God go into the whole world today sharing the Words of God and spending their time ministering to the lost in multiple ways. Their entire lives are given to the work of the Gospel. They have given up lives of pleasure and wealth to make themselves available to those who need much more than they can ever give. But they do it gladly.
So what's your excuse? Where do you share the Gospel? or Do you share the Gospel?
I guess the answer to those questions depend upon whether your life belongs to you or to the Lord. For those that belong to the Lord there really isn't any excuse for not sharing the Good News of the Kingdom of God other than you are trying to save your life and live it in a different way than what Jesus has instructed you to. As a disciple of Christ you should always be ready to give the reason for your love of God and show your dedication to Christ by introducing people to Him. That's what the men and women of the early church did. Their lives were all about Christ.
As my friend, brother and fellow worker in the Kingdom so eloquently put this into demonstration of what is going on here:
"Imagine this ... First ... after arriving in the forth largest city in America, you begin to share with two men at a breakfast your burden for the church to begin walking in first century Christian living. Next time you meet for breakfast, there are sixteen new pastors asking to hear more. Three weeks later, there are over 20 pastors each asking for you to come to their church and share anything in your heart with their people. Originally you had come to this city to help one church hear and see the things God has done, now there are scores of churches wanting to learn.
Then weeks later while you are shopping at a Super-Wal-mart, out of the blue your wife meets a man who begins to talk about Christ and His Church. After a short talk she calls you to meet him. Upon meeting you connected with him almost instantly. You then find out he is head of the Christian fellowship of the newest and biggest store the city. He then proceeds to ask you to come and teach 160 employees that gather for spiritual devotions on Saturday morning before work.
You do so and they are so excited that they ask you to come every Saturday morning and teach. Their leader says that when you taught that day, the whole store was buzzing about the Word of God that came. This includes the Muslims that were there listening. One (Muslim) even came up and thanked me for the teaching!
Now the word is starting to get around that someone is teaching new and wonderful things, and High Schools begin asking that you come and share with their students.... hundreds of students. Your wife is being asked to teach women about everything from Christ to Health care. Pastors are begging her to come and preach. Which she respectively declines but says she would love to teach and train any of the women.
All the while your are getting invitations to visit worthy ministries of men and women that are not just seeking money like so many, but desire counsel and advice on how to continue with God.
This is what we have been experiencing the last 3 months in Nakuru, Kenya."
So, may a venture to ask the question again?
Where do you share the Gospel?
Wow! The kingdom of God is coming and the Spirit of God is moving in Kenya. Keep on walking.