It is obvious to us now that even though we thought those things and those who were influencing us were not as aware as we thought. I can't directly blame them for what influenced me but they are responsible for what they passed along to us. They will be held accountable for what they knew. I hate to think that most of them were not paying attention to what was going on or even knew at all what the communist party was doing in America.
Understand that I am not a patriot or flag waver, I am concerned about what my children and others around me are receiving with regard to the truth. The truth is that many things are happening under our noses that we are not aware of. These things are spiritual in nature and are manifested in the physical realm through the actions of those that are either purposely carrying out this agenda or unconsciously passing along what they believe to be true.
So, what am I saying? What is the point of this raving?
I'm saying we need to pay attention! We need to be serious about what we take in and consider to be true. We need to look more carefully at the information we accept from the news, Internet, email, TV, radio and in general, everyday conversation and rumor. I'm also saying we need to be careful how we communicate information as well. We are guilty of passing along false information without even knowing it is false. We do this by not being careful with what we receive. We react to an emotion created from the information we see or hear.
YES! We should prove all things. But we don't.
As men and women of God we are especially needful of sound judgement. We have a responsibility to God as his children, to follow after those things he commands us to do. We have a responsibility to share those things of God that are honest and truthful to others as we evangelize, teach and shepherd those who need to give their lives to God as the body of Christ.Teachers hold a position of accountability for what they teach to others and will be judged for it. It is a wise things to prove what is true before teaching it to others.
We should be like the Bereans who "... received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so." Acts 17:11. They called upon God and were sensitive to His Spirit to check out the truth and reality of what was said about God. Paul wasn't offended but encouraged by their diligence and prudence as responsible people of God. What a great example for us to follow.
Paul says to the Romans "I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God." Are we any less in need of this advice for today? I think we should be sober minded in things of such great importance.
When we were in Africa, we experienced the effects of well meaning Christians who were taught from evangelical missionaries many years ago. Their traditions were passed along to the people of that country and they gave them an evangelical gospel. However, the people needed a full gospel of God, in a sense that would equip them for the work of sharing their lives with one another and caring for those around them. They needed to see an example of how the church functions and not just a salvation message. Their traditions of loud boisterous shouting, charismatic singing, dancing and prayer left the indigenous people of that area with a partial picture of what they were to do. They were not able to enter into the fullness of Christ and his body.
Kingdom Hikers |
When we shared several truths from the scriptures, their reactions were, "We thought that was true but we were not sure. Thank you for helping us understand what that means." They were excited and elated that God really did mean what was recorded and not what someone had dismissed with liberty to twist and traditionalize the truth. They saw for themselves what God had said was true and found a new freedom to live out the life of Christ in a much fuller way.
Today, there are many who teach a false doctrine, a watered down, socialistic, greasy graceful gospel and call it the truth. There are many who bring prophesies about the end of the world, the rapture, the unconditional salvation of God and many more things which need to be proven. Don't just sit back, relax and enjoy the show. Get up and prove what is said and done. Be an active participant in the living out of this life we have. There are principalities, powers to be in spiritually dark places and demonic things that have captured the minds and wills of many people to do their bidding. We need to guard ourselves against them and turn our attention to walking in the light of the Truth.
As one radio celebrity used to say, "WAKE UP AMERICA!" and I follow with, "WAKE UP SLEEPER, ARISE FROM THE DEAD..." because your time is at hand to be delivered either into the hands of the enemy or into the hands of your Lord and Maker. It's your choice.
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