Friday, September 23, 2011


I've been told by reliable sources that it takes two weeks for the re-entry process to be completed after being gone overseas on a mission trip. I am into this process about half way and I will concur that this is a true statement. It is a most disorienting feeling. Sort of like being spun around on a merry-go-round and then quickly getting off and trying to walk a straight line. There are a lot of falling down sessions until you get your footing and start waling a straight line.
Tara and I at the Crater Rim
The first obstacle that I had to overcome was the waking up at 3:00am in the morning and not being able to go back to sleep. This happened after traveling to Africa as well. Seems the re-entry process is also a reversal of the entry process first begun 8 weeks ago. The waking up portion of this event has progressively lessened and I now am able to get a full nights sleep from 11:00pm till 6:00am. This is a constant variable for me at any rate. I am not one who sleeps a solid 8 hours at any time. A normal nights sleep for me is between 5 and 6 hours.

The second obstacle was and still is to some extent, going to work. I literally have no motivation for going into the office and working. It is not that I don't want to eat (there is some bit of reservation there due to lingering health difficulties) but just that my habit has not been getting up and going to work. So, I find myself wandering into work about 8:30 - 9:00am with no sense of direction and disoriented with thoughts of "Where am I again?". It's getting a little better but I am working on the timing and motivational issues more each day.
George's Bathroom

Thirdly, I am facing the obstacle of lingering health issues. (I mentioned that in the previous paragraph.) I have thought about writing a blog on Hemorrhoids and facing all the life choices of living with or without the conditions which become a permanent part of your discomfort. I'm just not sure if I can tactfully write about it without offending someone and embarrassing myself in the process. See? There is what happens when I try to write something that does not have anything relative to my condition. I may have to employ the assistance of someone a bit more tactful than I to do that with me. Any volunteers?

My last big challenge for re-entry has been finding what God wants me to do here, now that I am back in the village. I'm looking to start computer lessons for the kids here and wanting to be more involved in some of the industries we have on the land. I'm looking to see where God would have me and what he will allow me to do. Meantime, I'm working part-time for the building company and listening to what God has to say about all that.

Us in the Hotel Parking lot
I've taken up a course for Bible study currently. I need to review a lot of things that I've been seeing in my life and feel God has a lot to say to me. I'm a definite piece of work that needs a lot of shaping and refining. I'm OK with that but I don't want to become complacent in my re-entry process and miss what God has for me. Ingathering is at hand also and there is so much more that God can show me about who I am in this body of believers as well. I love it here. I love Kenya, too. I'm just one happy camper trying to get my feet back on the ground and walk a straight line again.

Pray for me, if you will. Especially for physical healing. Could it be that all I need is already there and I just need to meet it face to face? Could be. Probably is. All I know at this point is that I need to get through this re-entry.

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