I am beginning with today as it is freshest in my mind, and
thinking that the day was good because of the men. The men have begun a work as
brothers and they are beginning to experience the great joy of doing things
together. We know that joy because we live it every day. They are not used to
being together like we are so it may take some time for them to fully
understand or appreciate what we mostly take for granted.
We ate and worked together after the gathering here. Eating
was Ugoli, Greens and Goat. This is best eaten with clean hands, since you do
not use utensils to eat this food. Fingers are the utensils of choice and so we
shared in the washing of hands together. Next there is the passing out of the
food and eating together. This is very primitive and special as men eating with
their fingers and digesting meat and veggies with ugoli balled up into the
Earlier in the week we made a few trips into town for
shopping, eating, coffee, Stoney’s and such. Wednesday was the weekly pastors
meeting at Kokeb and growing closer to those men who are caring for the people
of God. They are such interesting men and very intent on hearing what God has
for them. We are two weeks from the pastors conference that we have planned. I
have the programs ready made so they will have an outline of the 4 sessions we
will present to them. We have just to lock down the timing. That is a great
undertaking here as hardly anyone is on time for anything. I heard a few guys
here we actually late for their funeral.
I spent a couple days at home (Tue & Wed) training
Kingdom hikers on computer skills and then again on Saturday for another group
of Hikers. They love to learn. I don’t know how to say that with more emphasis
but they actually like being trained to learn the computer skills I am showing
them. It’s like I said, “Hey, who would like to eat banana splits and go to the
amusement park?” It clamps my brain, as George would say.
Tomorrow we go to visit Georges Dad and Mom in the village George grew up in. It’s quite a trip there as it will take us 5-6 hours of driving to get there. George promises that it is well worth the trip and we are looking forward to being there, not so much the ride there. Along the way back we will stop and eat fresh fish from
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